How To Sharpen Kitchen Knives (Update 2021)

How To Sharpen Kitchen Knives (Update 2021)

Having a set of sharp knives is vital for every kitchen. If so, they don’t have to be expensive, and they don’t have to be new. Moreover, the more you use a knife, the duller it’s going to get, They have to be sharp, so I’ll teach you today through this post, how to sharpen kitchen knives with rod and three others effective way?

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How To Sharpen Kitchen Knives With Three Ways

There are generally three main ways to sharpen knives. Let’s take a step by step today.


how to sharpen kitchen knives

Until the end, you can get yourself a whitestone to pick the pro. Because this small appliance works like sandpaper; however, in this method, use the friction provided by the sharpening store to eat the thin layer of steel in the blade of your knife. Once this is done, you will have a new sharp open edge and cut out what you need.

Step 1: Put a damp kitchen cloth on your kitchen counter, place the wall stone on it with the funky side.

Step 2, Now grab that knife in your kitchen. Place the thumb of your hand on the top of the handle and rest your index finger on the spine of the blade.

Then, in the third step, keep the tip away from you at a 20-degree angle and continue your knife with the sharp stone. And, of course, keep this angle throughout this whole sharpening process.

Then go to step 4: Place the fingers of your other hand on the blade and press the knife forward across the whetstone. Repeat this motion four or five times, focusing on the other edge, then rotate the cutter.

When you have completed all the processes, repeat the same motion at the same blade angles on a smooth surface, in 5 steps, turning over the whetstone. Only then will your kitchen be ready for cutting work. It is best to polish the blade now after it has been sharpened.

One last thing to remember is to soak your knife with some sharp stone models before you start sharpening them. If you do this again, others will be harmed. So be sure to decide according to the manufacturer’s instructions to know what to do.

2. Using A Honing Rod

how to sharpen kitchen knives

First, you need to use a honing rod. Of course, Pro Cook will tell you how much you are sharpening the blade, but respectfully. In other words, you’re eating blade steel food to create a new edge. Rather you straighten the already curved edge (yes, it is microscopically level), making it easier to cut the food.

Suffice it to say that if you stay in a pinch, you use an Honor Rod to sharpen your knife as before. Most people don’t have the time to sharpen their knives every week for this, especially not in the home kitchen, so this would be a perfectly acceptable solution for them.

First, you need to hold your sharp steel then have the tip resting on your cut board or counter.

Next, hold so that the side of the blade and the hanging rod make a 20-degree angle, then grab your dull knife.

Then, quickly pull the knife towards you for each side of the blade and repeat this motion in the same number. Unless you feel your knife has become sharp enough.


how to sharpen kitchen knives

If you want to invest money to improve the efficiency of your knife, getting an electric sharpener would be an excellent step for you. And it will make this small kitchen tool incredibly easy to use while sharpening knives perfectly. Electronic sharpeners will be great when you take some time to sharpen (not just be) your sharp knives.

First, turn it on and place your electric knife sharpener on the counter.

Then, with your blunt knife, slowly pull it towards you without letting the blade press down. Then run each slot about three or four times in this way. Always run the same number of bars on your cutting blade to ensure that both sides are equally sharp.

To finish, you need to “buffing” at the end. And running the blade through the slots is what you did before, and that’s it!

If you follow these sharpening tips,
you will have sharpened your kitchen knives in just 15 minutes! Impressive, right?

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Tips: How To Sharpen Kitchen Knives With Rod

  • Back to the front of the front, always try to sharpen in the same direction.
  • Don’t believe the hype of a knife that “sometimes doesn’t require sharpness.” Since cutting produces friction and this friction causes the edge of a spoon to lose its sharpness. Moreover, there is no way for us to avoid those laws of physics.
  • Ceramic knives should not be tried for sharpening as they are prone to breakage and brittleness.
  • Take regular care of your knife so that it holds its edge longer. Save your knife so that it does not stick to its advantage. Otherwise, if you have a drawer on it, secure the border with the blade protector. Wash the knife hands after each use and then store it in the dry state.

How To Keep Your Knives Sharp And Safe

how to sharpen kitchen knives

It’s a terrible idea to leave kitchen utensils and other tools in a drawer with your knives. When you are going for an ice cream scoop, you need to go to the emergency room, just as you should not do the work of a quick pass. The more damage sliding knives have against other metal objects, the faster they become dull. Even the best sharpening services do not help. However, some of the ways described below are:

Magnetic Knife Block

Magnetic knife stands wooden oak walnut.
Like magnetic blocks or magnetic knife holders and magnetic accessories are the best solutions. Some people believe that magnetic knife blocks and racks can probably create misconceptions at a molecular level. But in fact, nothing more than the truth! So when we brought up this conversation with mechanical engineering about it, he assured us that it was impossible.

Magnetic Knife Stand Wooden Oak Walnut Sakai Cuba Brown with Kitchen Knife Set.

Universal Non-Magnetic Knife Block

Universal Knife Stand Keeping your knives in a knife block from the kitchen drawer would be a big step. But we often find a minor problem that our collected knives do not always fit in the preformed slot. And a universal knife block will hold a combination of any knife from a tiny space. However, you can use commercial knife sets; although it will be a little expensive, you can keep any knife even if it seems to be the most effective form of storage.

On the other hand, since many knife sets bring their knife block storage and some people buy empty knife blocks to store the knives bought individually. But if you can, you should consider other options …


It all depends on you which knife you are going to sharpen. However, all the techniques all turn a dull knife into a new sharp kitchen knife, capturing all personal preferences.

If you have less time to sharpen a knife properly, Hanning steel is best. However, you still want to cook in the kitchen (for example, prepare dinner).

If you have some money to invest, if you have enough space to save it, electric knife sharpeners are your best friend and

On the other hand, Whetstones would be great if you want to learn a skill valued by top chefs and fight to find space for all the tools in your kitchen (and show off to friends at a dinner party, but that’s great).

What is the difference between Whetstone and Waterstone?

Waterstone is designed to work under running water, hence the name. If at some point the term will confuse you. Again often according to the Japanese, the difference between Waterstone and Whitestone is that it is a natural rock due to the unique geological features of the part of the underwater planet. As a result of soaking, it dissolves; they even produce amorphous mud and subsequently grind the steel.

However, a Whetstone is a different kind of stone, and it can be sometimes synthetic, sometimes natural. Some whetstones are wet, but others are not. For example, if an artificial wall stone is soaked, its lifespan can be significantly shorter. Again, if you are not sure about this, it is better to follow the instructions given by one of the stone makers before doing such a thing.

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Your knife should be so sharp that it can cut into the elements as before. As you gain more experience in the kitchen, you will naturally know which knives will need to be sharpened and which will not. So I will show you which of these two will fail and which will be successful.

Tomato Test

The first test you can do is the tomato test. Pull your knife through the tomato, applying as much pressure as possible to each part of the blade, from the tip of the knife to the heel.

If you see that you will not cut the tomato skin without hitting the tomato, you have a sharp knife. If you notice that the blade does not penetrate the skin quickly, you may need to sharpen it.

This technique works with other skinny fruits, for example, fruits like plums.

Paper Test

Hold it vertically with a piece of paper. Then, continue to slide your kitchen knife through the form.

If it can cut effortlessly, it does not need to be sharpened. If it creates pressure to make a piece of paper, it’s time to point it.

How to Sharpen a Granular Knife

You don’t need to sharpen a serrated knife as often as your paring knife or your chef’s knife. But on the other hand, it may still need some attention. However, this process is different because the shape of the blade is different; The serrated knife has a series of flat and curved edges on one side, and even the other end is beveled.

If you want to sharpen the beveling side, the best way to do it is with a sharpening rod. Which is similar to any respectable steel, but it is smaller, more pointed, and more narrow. So to get you the right angle, you use a rod flush with a bevel then pull the rods away from the seam.

Hopefully, this blog post has been useful in figuring out how to sharpen kitchen knives. Happy polishing!

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