How to Clean Ceiling Fans | The Ultimate Guide For Beginner

Ceiling fans are great for cooling down a room. But One day your ceiling fan will get dirty. Learn How to Clean Ceiling Fans safely and easy.
Ceiling fans make its fresh air to add decorative accents to make our house comfortable and make the various spaces decorated more attractive. But what can you do if you have a lot of dust here? Do you know the big ceiling fans that are attached to the kitchen by the fans and the technique of How to Clean Ceiling Fans ?
Dirt on ceiling fans is not just a cosmetic issue. This noise can cause problems such as fan operation and even motor damage. If your family has allergies or respiratory illnesses, the situation may get worse if you have dust mites.
Isn’t it just a matter of having another dirt on the ceiling fan? It took a long time to start the operation and even the engine of the fan i.e. the motor can be damaged by it. And if you have a sick person in your family with allergic respiratory problems, the dirt stuck in the fan can make the situation worse.
So, fortunately, in this case, Mr. Electric® has a simple effective ceiling fan cleaner hack that will help your fan to get rid of dirt and dust. With these tips, you can clean the ceiling fans in a short time without any hassle in your ceiling fan. Not only this, if any guest comes to your house next time, you do not have to clean the ceiling fan with your fingers, you can easily clean it with these tips.
Now the question may come to mind, which light ceiling fan can have any light added kit? We have pro tips or hack to guide you through all these processes.
Let’s face it – cleaning up is not an easy task for anyone. Not all cleaning work is always the same. So like cleaning your bathroom or toilet, it can’t be a cleaning job. There is something in your home that can clean your ceiling fan.
But first of all, you must make sure that you have that ceiling fan off during the cleaning process. And maybe you have respiratory problems, allergies in this case you are not sensitive, we recommend you to use any type of mask before work.
There are four main methods we use to How to Clean Ceiling Fans. And what this method might look like and how to use it is shown below.
Method 1: Use a pillow

Standard ceiling fans work best in this way, so the ceiling fan should be a minimum of 8 to 10 feet.
This process requires you to:
- A pillow
- Step ladder
- Mask / Bandana (optional)
Instructions –
- Before you start work, make sure the friendship is closed and that you are safe.
- If you are using a face mask to protect yourself from dust or shortness of breath, make sure it fills your nose and mouth. Because it will protect you from dust and contaminants. Also, if you have a dust allergy or want extra protection as a precaution, be sure to apply it.
- Carefully tighten the ladder of your steps along the straight of your phone and climb the stairs.
- Once you reach Mahesh, fill the ceiling fan blades with the help of your pillow.
- Slowly pull back by applying some pressure from your pillow. And there’s little time to put on a dust-dirty pillow when pulling.
- Clean the remaining blades of the remaining ceiling fan in the same way.
- At the end of step number five, make sure that all the dirt or dust has been removed from the ballets, although there is some residual dirt, use a little cloth to remove them.
- To avoid dust particles from sticking to your pillow, first, rinse with warm water or place them in a washing machine (for later use).
Method 2: Clean the ceiling fan using a duster

In this process your high ceiling works well for the fans so usually your ceiling height should be 10 feet.
All you need in this process is:
- Old sheets
- Long Duster – with an extended arm (see below)
- Bandana/mask
Instructions –
- First of all, make sure the fan is off. Then place your sheet along with the fan’s own. This should help dust the blades of your ceiling fan.
- Use a bandana or face mask over your face to properly cover your nose and face. We recommend that you use a bandana or face mask before cleaning. Because the trapped dust flows directly with the air
- Place the duster on top of all of your ceiling fans and wipe it down to remove dust. Pea dust inside the ceiling may be stuck. Notice if you are working with caution, and keep yourself away from dust.
- Keep using the duster until the dust is removed from the blades of your ceiling fan. Thus, when one blade is completely clean, repeat the rest of the process.
- Lastly, wash the sheet under your fan carefully in hot water or you can leave it in the washing machine.
Method 3: Using a Baby Wipe

In this process you remove the dirt stuck in the blades of the ceiling fan and make it shiny.
All you need in this process is:
- Baby wipes/clothes
- Old sheets
- Mask / Bandana (optional)
- Step ladder
- Degreaser or mineral spirits (odorless mineral spirits are best)
Instructions –
- Be sure to turn off the fan first for your safe convenience.
- And if you have a face mask at home, wear it now. This face mask will help you to have trouble breathing dust and dirt. So this face mask should be read in such a way that it covers your nose and mouth completely.
- If your ceiling fan gets extra dirty, you can manually place an old sheet on the floor below. And place the step ladder in a way that helps you reach your ceiling fan.
- Climb the ladder, if your ceiling is extra dirty but not sticky, wipe the baby to clean the blades of the ceiling fan
- Use old sheets. First, make sure to clean the top and bottom of the blades. Whether it will clean any dirt.
- Use a small amount of degreaser or mineral spirit with mosquito repellent so that your ceiling fan is sticky.
- But one thing to keep in mind is your baby’s wipes/clothes
- Wipe the old sheet so that it is damp and not soaked again.
- This time wipe the blades of the ceiling fan well with that cloth.
- The latest baby wipes/clothes Thoroughly clean the old sheets and remove the debris from the sheets on the floor. Once the dirt is clean, rinse well with warm water (for later use).
Method 4: Use a vacuum attachment

If you do not have a pillow or duster as a cleaning device in your home, it will work great.
All you need in this process is:
- Step ladder
- A good vacuum cleaner and extended attachment
Instructions –
- Make sure to turn off your ceiling fan, step ladder: place it in such a way that it can easily reach the fan.
- Before turning on the vacuum cleaner, attach the extended attachment to the vacuum.
- Keep climbing the stairs until you reach the height of the fan. Use the vacuum attachment to carefully remove dust from the blades of the ceiling fan.
- Make sure the blades of the ceiling fan are in a straight line along with the vacuum attachment.
- Continue to do this until all the blades have been cleaned. You can even use it to clean the dust and dirt on the floor.
How to Clean Ceiling Fans
Ceiling fans will do a great job of cooling your home on a hot day, but like any other appliance, they collect dust. As a result the allergies of the people in the house increase.
Unfortunately, many people do not know the details of their ceiling fans, the beauty of the house is ruined and various diseases including allergies. They will just enjoy the crispy airflow to keep the house cool in the heat and the blades welcome the clouds. So today we have discussed how we can clean them and use them year after year.
As a result, your ceiling fan can be used incredibly all summer/winter (in hot winter mode) all year round in a dust-free manner.
How to clean ceiling fans without making a mess
How to clean ceiling fans Climb a staircase in another way. This may be going to be a little difficult, but you should clean your ceiling fan blades, motors, fan directions, light bulbs, and glass shades.
However, it is important to clean the dust every week. And you can do the rest three or four times a year as needed.
Things to do here:
When the fan is on, turn it off to see if it rotates counterclockwise. If you are not working, switch the spin side of the fan.
Clockwise warms a house; A cool one can counteract your clockwork. (Did you know!)
Now slip the pillows well. Then start using to remove dust from the bottom and top of the ceiling fan. This is why, all the dust-sand gets stuck with the pillow, instead the chances of moving elsewhere in the house are reduced! And be sure to lightly press all the blades of the ceiling fan to repeat in this way, but do not press the blade in such a way that it is damaged. And then clean it thoroughly for later use)
Next, we recommend using a dust-repellent spray like Villa Endstay to reduce dust and dirt removal. Also, spray on a microfiber cloth that can wipe on both sides of your blade.
Motor: Remove the pool fan and motor housing of the ceiling fan with a clean cloth. Spray compressed air with the motor housing to remove dust inside.
Light bulbs: Replace unnecessary light bulbs inside the ceiling fan. But if the bulbs are working properly, wipe with a dry microfiber cloth.
Author: (Cleaning Plane and Simple) According to Donna Smallin Cooper, clean hair produces 20 percent brighter light than a dirty ball.
Glass globe or shade: First wash with soap and warm water. Make sure the mounting screws are tight so that the glass does not fall off during the fan. Kitchen fan blades usually have a lot of dirt on them. And to remove all this dust and dirt, wipe with a damp but not wet cloth. Then apply the cleaner anyway or wipe each blade on the cloth with all the purpose cleaners recommended by the fan manufacturer. Once the blade is clean, wash the cloth once and keep repeating.
Why would you clean your ceiling fan?
How to Clean Ceiling Fans is an important task. Not only will this help your ceiling fan to last longer but it will also keep the air in your room clean. But it will be especially important if you have a respiratory illness like asthma in a small child or people of all ages in that house.
Besides, when it comes to diseases in the house due to the wind, of course, one of the main culprits is the dirt attached to the ceiling fan! If there is a lot of dust in those fans, it can affect the speed of the fan. As a result, it puts more pressure on the motors inside the fan. Not only does the dust fan motor cause it but it can also affect your warranty.
The final word
We are hopeful that you can clean the blades of your ceiling fan through these tips from us. We hope these will work.
And I hope that by now you know how useful a ceiling fan is and that cleaning is a lot of fun. By cleaning the best ceiling fan you can keep the air in your house clean and even arrange the longevity of your home fan. So it is very important to make sure the fan is clean. So no more excuses, now clean your fan with this little guide of ours.